Esercizio di ascolto inglese 1: Introduzione personale di Simonetta

In questa prima esercitazione di ascolto inglese ti voglio introdurre brevemente chi sono in inglese.

di Simonetta Tuccitto
12 Mag 2020 - Lettura di 14 minuti


So as you may know my name’s Simonetta.

I am 28 years old and my birthday is on the 4th of December.

I am from Italy but currently I am living in Zurich, Switzerland. We’ve decided to move here to learn new things and to find new challenges.

I live with my boyfriend Lorenzo and my small dog, Maya. Maya is 4 years old now, she was born on the 29 th September 2015. She is black and she has big brown eyes. She likes playing and walking in the nature. She doesn’t like bicycles and the bad weather. She is sleeping on my big grey sofa now.

I work in a daycare as English Teacher and I play with children from 2 to 4 years old every day. I often sing English songs with them.

Singing is a great method to learn new words faster and it is a really funny entertainment.

To get to work I need to get on the train and then I need to take a bus. It takes 40 minutes, more or less.

I love travelling and meeting new people, I am a very friendly person and I am also curious. I can consider myself an optimistic girl and I really love learning new things and improving. Teaching is my passion, I enjoy interacting with my students.

I also appreciate cooking and baking cakes, I am huge fan of the crostata but my favorite food is pizza, for sure. I prefer the classical one, the one with cherry tomatoes and rucola.

My mum was born in Canada, and my dad was born in Sicily. I have one sister and two brothers. I am the oldest.

I don’t live in a big house, but it’s very cozy and warm. It has a kitchen, one bathroom, a big living room, with a big grey sofa and two bedrooms. It also has a little vegetable garden, so next spring I am going to grow some cherry tomato plants.

I am a bit lazy so I don’t like going to the gym or running. I prefer walking in the nature with my dog or going hiking in the mountains. I am afraid of skiing but the snowy days are the best moments to have a cup chocolate and some biscuits.

I am not an early bird; I love sleeping and that is the reason why I set many alarm clocks if I need to wake up early in the morning.


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Immagine autrice dell'articolo: Simonetta Tuccitto

Simonetta Tuccitto

Mi chiamo Simonetta, classe '91 e sono un'insegnante di inglese certificata CELTA con il massimo dei voti. Ma prima di esserlo sono stata PER ANNI una studentessa. Ed è semplicemente questo il mio segreto.